Percent means per 100. A percentage is a way of expressing
a fraction, as so many parts in 100.
For e.g. since 1/4 = 25/100, it is equivalent to 25 parts
in 100. This is written as 25%.
The % symbol can be seen as
100 in disguise! Any fraction can be turned into a percentage.
To see how many parts out of 100 it is equivalent to, multiply
the fraction by 100.
for e.g. 4/5 =
(4/5 x 100)% = 80% 3/8 = (3/8 x 100)% = 37.5%
Similarly any percentage can be turned into a fraction by dividing
by 100.
Let say 29% = 29 ÷ 100 = 29/100. Note that 1% of £1
is 1 penny
Here are other
examples :
What is 200% of 30 ?
Answer : 200% × 30 = (200 / 100) × 30 = 60.
What is 13% of 98 ?
Answer : 13% × 98 = (13 / 100) × 98 = 12.74.
60% of all university
students are male. There are 2400 male students. How many students
are in the university ?
Answer : 2400 = 60% × X, therefore X = (2400 / (60 / 100))
= 4000