What is Remainder ? |
When one number
is divided by another the result might be a whole number or, as is
more likely, there will be something left over. What remains is called
the remainder.
For example : 1357 ÷ 23 = 59 exactly, but 1364
÷ 23 = 59 with a remainder of 7. using a calculator, 1364 ÷
23 gives 59.304 from which the 59 is clear but not the remainder.
This can be found in one of the two ways:
- Multiply 23 by 59 and take the result from 1364, so 1364 - (23
x 59) = 7.
- Take 59 from 59.304 348 to leave just the decimal part, 0.304
308, then multiply this number by 23. This gave 7.000 000 1 on
one calculator. The 0.000 000 1 must be ignored as a rounding
error, giving 7 as the reminder.
- When dividing 13 by 10, 1 is the quotient and 3 is the remainder,
because 13 = 1 x 10 + 3.
- When dividing 26 by 4, 6 is the quotient and 2 is the remainder,
because 26 = 6 x 4 + 2.
- When dividing 56 by 7, 8 is the quotient and 0 is the remainder,
because 56 = 7 x 8 + 0.