Question: What is Volume ?


The volume of a solid shape is the amount of space that it occupies. It is measured by the number of unit cubes needed to fill the space. A standard-sized volume that we use to measure other volumes. The SI unit of volume is the cubic metre. In general the

Volume V of a Cuboid is given by
V = l x b x h

Volume V of a Prism is given by
V = A x h
where, A is areaq of its cross-section and h is its heigh.

Volume V of a Pyramid is given by
V = 1/3 x A x h
where, A is area of its base and h is its height.

Volume V of a Cylinder is given by
V = π r2 x h

Volume V of a Cone is given by
V = 1/3 x π r2 x h

Volume V of a Sphere is given by
V = 4/3 x π x r3